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Body Building Conference

2023 Montgomery Baptist Association

Church Body Building Conference


6:00 - 6:45 PM Dinner/Registration

6:45 – 7:00 PM Opening Remarks

7:00 – 8:00 PM Session #1

8:00 – 9:00 PM Session #2

Presentation Summaries (please choose two)

Dr. Ron Blankenship—Director of Missions, Montgomery Baptist Association

Jesus' Servant Leader Principles for Kingdom Success

The secret of successful leadership and life is to follow the kingdom of God servant leadership principles of Jesus' in the Bible. What are the key traits of a servant leader?

Dr. Tim Bonner—Associate Pastor, First Baptist Church Rockville, MD

Special Purpose Small Groups & Ministries

Your church and community have needs your congregation can meet through caring ministries and short-term small groups. Learn how you can start Celebrate Recovery, DivorceCare, GriefShare, English as a Second Language (ESL), Financial Peace University, and Stephen Ministry, and link with established counseling ministries.

Mr. Richard Dillard—President, SpiffySites

Developing a Digital Ministry

God has blessed us with fantastic new tools for reaching the lost and serving the local church.  Learn the fundamentals of leveraging these digital tools to develop and implement a digital ministry at your church.

Practicing Digital Security

Are you maintaining best practices to ensure digital safety and security for your staff, members, and computer systems?

Rev. Mark Dooley—Associate Executive Director, Baptist Convention of MD/DEL

The Heart of Evangelism

Many Jesus-followers spend countless hours learning "how" to share their faith; yet they still don't share it.  That's because the issue is not a head-issue, but a heart-issue.  This conference seeks to address issues that will help us develop a heart for evangelism. 

Ms. Ann Holcomb—Immigration Attorney, Law Office of Ann Holcomb

The Church and Immigration Law

How can churches minister to the increasing immigrant population in our area. The is seminar will explore both the Biblical rationale for ministry to immigrants and the practical aspects of immigration law.

Dr. Phillip Hurst—Pastor, Trinity Baptist Church, West Hyattsville, MD

Steps to Church Revitalization

What does the Bible say about Church Revitalization? This seminar will utilize insights from the book of Nehemiah along with other contemporary sources to offer a roadmap for churches and church leaders to become healthy spiritually and better focused on ministering to its community.

Dr. Greg Kame—Director of Missions, Arundel Baptist Association

Cultivating a Healthy Discipleship Culture in Your Church

For a church to have a healthy disciple-making culture, pastors must lead in evangelizing unbelievers and nurturing believers to grow in faith. But what does this entail? How should pastors cultivate a healthy discipleship culture in their churches?

Please contact Dr. Tim Bonner if you have any questions: 301.825.9231

Sponsored by Montgomery Baptist Association in partnership with the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware

Here’s a special offer: If at least ten people from your church pre-register and attend (including yourself), the MBA will send you a $200 check to use toward buying books for your ministerial library.

October 15

MBA Annual Business Meeting

November 7

MBA Minister's Fellowship