
MBA Bi-Monthly Church Leader Training

Montgomery Baptist Association Announces Bi-Monthly Church Leader Training


Rev. Dr. Ron Blankenship, our Director of Missions, is excited to announce that beginning in February the Association will offer Zoom training for church leaders and other interested church members every other month. The training will take place the last Tuesday of each month from 7-8 pm. The first 45 minutes will be teaching time and the last 15 minutes will be for discussion of that night’s topic.

Dr. Tim Bonner will conduct the first training on Feb. 25. The topic will be “Avoiding Burnout in Ministry.” Rev. Dr. Tim Bonner, Associate Pastor of First Baptist Church Rockville, will lead the April 29 training on “Caring for Inactive Members.” Other future topics will be determined by the requests of participants.

MBA Media Specialist Melanie Blankenship will post a Zoom link along with the topic for that month in the MBA Connection prior to each month’s training. Please contact (person, how to contact) if you have ideas for training topics.

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MBA Minister's Fellowship

MBA Minister's Fellowship

When: THIRD Tuesday of March

Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 18, 2025, at 11:00 AM
(Please note the updated time for this special luncheon.)

Where: First Baptist Church Damascus

               8850 Damascus Rd, Damascus, MD 20872

Host Pastor: Pastor Danny Moore

We are excited to welcome special guest speaker Dan Hyun, our partner from the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware, who will be sharing an encouraging message with us.

All staff and pastors within the Montgomery Baptist Association are warmly invited to this meaningful time of fellowship and connection. The gathering will begin at 11:00 AM, followed by a delicious lunch provided by the hosting church. This is a wonderful opportunity to strengthen relationships, discuss upcoming ministry events, and encourage one another in our shared mission.

Expected Attendance: 25-35 participants

To assist with planning, please RSVP at your earliest convenience by contacting Melanie Blankenship at ilovemba777@gmail.com.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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When: Second Tuesday of Every Month
Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 11:00 AM
(Please note the updated time for this special luncheon.)

Where: Crossroads Community Church
6855 Olney-Laytonsville Road, Laytonsville, MD
P.O. Box 192, Olney, MD 20830-0192

Host Pastor: Rev. Jeff Lovin

All staff and pastors within the Montgomery Baptist Association are warmly invited to this meaningful time of fellowship and connection. The gathering will begin at 11:00 AM, followed by a delicious lunch provided by the hosting church. This is a wonderful opportunity to strengthen relationships, discuss upcoming ministry events, and encourage one another in our shared mission.

We are excited to welcome special guest speaker Dan Hyun from the BCM/D, who will be sharing an encouraging message with us.

Expected Attendance: 25-35 participants

To assist with planning, please RSVP at your earliest convenience by contacting Melanie Blankenship at ilovemba777@gmail.com.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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MBA Minister's Fellowship Luncheon

MBA Minister's Fellowship Luncheon

  • Iglesia Bautista "Comunidad de Fe". "Community of Faith" baptist church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


All staff and pastors in the Montgomery Baptist Association are invited to attend this important gathering. The fellowship will begin at 11:30 AM, followed by lunch provided by the hosting church. This will be a valuable opportunity for fellowship and discussion of upcoming ministry events, with an expected attendance of 25-35 participants.

Date and Time: Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at 11:30 AM

LOCATION: Iglesia Bautista "Comunidad de Fe". "Community of Faith" baptist church 17740 Muncaster Rd. Derwood, MD. 20855

Host Pastor: Rev. Julio Mejia

To assist with planning, please RSVP as soon as possible by contacting Melanie Blankenship at ilovemba777@gmail.com.

We look forward to your participation.

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MBA Minister's Fellowship Luncheon

MBA Minister's Fellowship Luncheon

NOVEMBER 5th at 11:30 AM


All staff and pastors in the Montgomery Baptist Association are invited to attend this important gathering. The fellowship will begin at 11:30 AM, followed by lunch provided by the hosting church. This will be a valuable opportunity for fellowship and discussion of upcoming ministry events, with an expected attendance of 25-35 participants.

Date and Time: Tuesday, November 5, 2024, at 11:30 AM

LOCATION: Barnesville Baptist Church Rev. Kevin Cullins

17917 Barnesville Road P.O. Box 69 Barnesville MD 20838-9722

To assist with planning, please RSVP as soon as possible by contacting Melanie Blankenship at ilovemba777@gmail.com.

We look forward to your participation.

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Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting

We are excited to announce the Montgomery Baptist Association Annual Meeting on Sunday, October 20, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM, with dinner to follow at 6:00 PM. This year’s meeting will feature keynote addresses by Mark Dooley and Ron Blankenship.

Following the Annual Meeting, we will kick off a series of four nights of church revitalization, renewal, and revival services starting at 7:30 PM each night from October 20th to 23rd. Each evening will offer a unique experience with different worship teams and testimonies.

Our speakers for these revival services are:

  • October 20: Rev. Chris Allen

  • October 21: Dr. Greg Kame

  • October 22: Rev. Jeremy Dickson

  • October 23: Rev. Brian Tubbs

All events will be held at Olney Baptist Church in Olney, MD: 

17525 Georgia Avenue Olney, MD 20832


Theme: Renewal, Revitalization, Revival

For more information, please feel free to reach out. We look forward to seeing you there!

God Bless,

Dr. Ron Blankenship

Click here for the messenger card.

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MBA Minister's Fellowship

MBA Minister's Fellowship

2nd Tuesday of every month.

All staff and pastors in the Montgomery Baptist Association are invited to attend this important gathering. The fellowship will begin at 11:30 AM, followed by lunch provided by the hosting church. This will be a valuable opportunity for fellowship and discussion of upcoming ministry events, with an expected attendance of 25-35 participants.

Date and Time: Tuesday, October 8th, 2024, at 11:30AM

Mishkan HaShofar Messianic Jewish Cong
Rev./Rabbi Robert Pristoop 301-873-7803 robert.pristoop@verizon.net

14125 Punch Street Silver Spring MD 20906-2071

To assist with planning, please RSVP as soon as possible by contacting Melanie Blankenship at ilovemba777@gmail.com.

We look forward to your participation.

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MBA Minister’s Fellowship

MBA Minister’s Fellowship

Please note the updated time and date for the Montgomery Baptist Association's Monthly Ministers Fellowship in September.

All staff and pastors in the Montgomery Baptist Association are invited to attend this important gathering. The fellowship will begin at 11:00 AM, followed by lunch provided by the hosting church. This will be a valuable opportunity for fellowship and discussion of upcoming ministry events, with an expected attendance of 25-35 participants.

We are pleased to announce that Pastor Kevin Freeman will be leading an Evangelism seminar, featuring insights from his new book, Scatter the Seed: Reviving Effective Disciple-Making in the Local Church. You will receive a FREE copy of this book at the luncheon.

Date and Time: Tuesday, September 17th, 2024, at 11:00 AM

Location: Trinity Baptist Church, 1900 Beechwood Rd, Chillum, MD 20782

Host Pastor: Pastor Phil Hurst

PLEASE RESPOND A.S.A.P. TO MELANIE BLANKENSHIP at ilovemba777@gmail.com to RSVP so we know how much food to prepare.

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Prayer Meeting

Prayer Meeting

This prayer meeting is for anybody who has a heart to pray. This is led by Pastor Victor Kirk.

The focus of these meetings will be strictly on prayer.  We are going to pray for one another, for our churches, and for the spread of the gospel.  If there is any Scripture reading or devotional thought, it will be minimal.  We want to spend the majority of our time in prayer.  Acts 4:31 says that “when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken …”.  My prayer is that we will see a move of God among the churches of the BCMD such that our communities and our churches are shaken; shaken into a renewed passion for God and His gospel.  Let us never underestimate the power and importance of prayer as we come together August 8 for the purpose of seeking God’s face and imploring His hand to be upon the churches of the BCMD.

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MBA Minister's Fellowship

MBA Minister's Fellowship

2nd Tuesday of each month

All staff and pastors in Montgomery Baptist Association are invited to our 11:30 AM Monthly Ministers Fellowship. Lunch is served by hosting church followed with great fellowship and sharing of upcoming ministry events. We have attendance of 25-35.

Time: Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 11:30 AM

WHERE: First Baptist Church of Rockville

55 Adclare Road Rockville, MD 20850

HOST PASTOR: Pastor Lee Becknell

PLEASE RESPOND A.S.A.P. TO MELANIE BLANKENSHIP at ilovemba777@gmail.com to RSVP so we know how much food to prepare.

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MBA Minister's Fellowship

MBA Minister's Fellowship

2nd Tuesday of each month

All staff and pastors in Montgomery Baptist Association are invited to our 11:30 AM Monthly Ministers Fellowship. Lunch is served by hosting church followed with great fellowship and sharing of upcoming ministry events. We have attendance of 25-35.

Time: Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 at 11:30 AM

WHERE: Greenridge Baptist Church

21925 Frederick Road, Boyds, MD

HOST PASTOR: Rev. Mark Brunke

PLEASE RESPOND A.S.A.P. TO MELANIE BLANKENSHIP at ilovemba777@gmail.com to RSVP so we know how much food to prepare.

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VBS Training

VBS Training

PLEASE RSVP BY THIS FRIDAY ! VBS TRAINING! Georgia Avenue Baptist Church from 9AM-12PM

Hey there! Here is a proposed schedule for the workshop on May 4 at 9 AM! I will have one other person there to lead with me, so we will offer one session where folks can choose which topic they'd like to attend.


9-9:15 Welcome/History of VBS Game

9:15-10 Breaker Rock Beach Overview

10:05-10:50 Saying 'Yes!' to Directing VBS OR From Outreach to Outcome - VBS Promotion & Follow-Up

10:50-11 BREAK

11-11:45 Roundtable discussions and 'Ask the Experts' Q&A

11:45 Wrap Up/Closing


Here are descriptions of the sessions:

Breaker Rock Beach Overview

Hear all about Breaker Rock Beach, including music, crafts, snacks, recreation, and Bible study!

Saying 'Yes!' to Directing VBS

Have you been asked to direct VBS for the very first time? Have you directed VBS in the past but have never had any formal training, and you want to make sure you're doing the best job possible? Are you a seasoned VBS director, but you want to make sure your VBS Director's Tool Kit is stocked with the latest and greatest? If any of those statements describe you, then join us for a fun session learning all the tips, tricks, and tools to direct a successful VBS for your church and community.

From Outreach to Outcome - VBS Promotion & Follow-Up

Want to see more kids attend your VBS? Discover some fun ways you can promote VBS in your community!  VBS is over, and we're exhausted - we have no energy left for follow-up! Help! Learn some strategic ways to follow-up with your kids and families after vacation Bible school.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Looking forward to it!


Kris Buckman

Youth & Kids Missionary

Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware

10255 Old Columbia Road | Columbia, MD 21046

(240) 674-1388

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MBA Minister's Fellowship

MBA Minister's Fellowship

2nd Tuesday of each month

All staff and pastors in Montgomery Baptist Association are invited to our 11:30 AM Monthly Ministers Fellowship. Lunch is served by hosting church followed with great fellowship and sharing of upcoming ministry events. We have attendance of 25-35.

Time: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 11:30 AM

WHERE: Redland Baptist Church

6922 Muncaster Mill Rd, Derwood, MD 20855

HOST PASTOR: Pastor Kevin Freeman

PLEASE RESPOND A.S.A.P. TO MELANIE BLANKENSHIP at ilovemba777@gmail.com to RSVP so we know how much food to prepare.

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MBA Minister's Fellowship

MBA Minister's Fellowship

  • 13421 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, MD, 20906 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Global Mission Church

We are switching the date of our usual MBA Minister’s Fellowship from the 1st Tuesday of each month to the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

All staff and pastors in Montgomery Baptist Association are invited to our 11:30 AM Monthly Ministers Fellowship. Lunch is served by hosting church followed with great fellowship and sharing of upcoming ministry events. We have attendance of 25-35.

Time: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 11:30 AM


13421 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20906

HOST PASTOR: Rev. David Park

PLEASE RESPOND A.S.A.P. TO MELANIE BLANKENSHIP at ilovemba777@gmail.com to RSVP so we know how much food to prepare.

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5 Love Languages Seminar

5 Love Languages Seminar

You are invited to our Couples Seminar "The 5 Love Languages"

It will happen on Saturday, February 24th from 9 AM - 1 PM at

Olney Baptist Church

17525 Georgia Ave, Olney, MD 20832

Cost $20 (food and book included). Childcare provided upon request.

Register and pay today at https://www.jotform.com/build/240315848044151

For questions, please contact Dr. Tim Bonner at tim@firstbaptistrockville.org or 301.825.9231

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MBA Minister's Fellowship

MBA Minister's Fellowship

We are switching the date of our usual MBA Minister’s Fellowship from the 1st Tuesday of each month to the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

All staff and pastors in Montgomery Baptist Association are invited to our 11:30 AM Monthly Ministers Fellowship. Lunch is served by hosting church followed with great fellowship and sharing of upcoming ministry events. We have attendance of 25-35.

Time: Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 11:30 AM


6855 Olney-Laytonsville Rd.
Laytonsville, MD 20882


PLEASE RESPOND A.S.A.P. TO MELANIE BLANKENSHIP at ilovemba777@gmail.com to RSVP so we know how much food to prepare.

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Jerk vs Jerkette Seminar

Jerk vs Jerkette Seminar

"How to Avoid Falling for a Jerk or Jerkette" Seminar

FBCR in partnership with the MBA is offering a seminar on Saturday, Jan. 27 from 9AM-4PM called “How to Avoid Falling for a Jerk (or Jerkette)”. You will learn how to date with head and heart working together so you can identify healthy partners for relationships. This Biblically-based class is for both never married and single-again adults 18 and older. The cost is $20, which includes lunch plus a workbook. Location: First Baptist Church of Rockville 55 Adclare Road Rockville, MD 20850


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MBA Minister's Fellowship

MBA Minister's Fellowship

We are switching the date of our usual MBA Minister’s Fellowship from the 1st Tuesday of each month to the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

All staff and pastors in Montgomery Baptist Association are invited to our 11:30 AM Monthly Ministers Fellowship. Lunch is served by hosting church followed with great fellowship and sharing of upcoming ministry events. We have attendance of 25-35.

PLEASE RESPOND A.S.A.P. TO MELANIE BLANKENSHIP at ilovemba777@gmail.com to RSVP so we know how much food to prepare.

Time: Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 11:30 AM

Seven Locks Baptist Church

Rev. Kyle Morton 301-279-9388

11845 Seven Locks Road Potomac MD 20854-3340

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MBA Pastor/Staff & Wife Christmas Banquet

MBA Pastor/Staff & Wife Christmas Banquet

We love and appreciate our Pastor’s/Staff/Lay leader and their spouse!

Please let us know if you are able to attend our MBA Pastor/Staff & Wife Banquet on Friday, December 8th at 6:30 PM.

We are providing a catered dinner, music and fun fellowship!

Please RSVP by contacting our Media Specialist - Melanie Blankenship at iloveMBA777@gmail.com

See you there!

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MBA Minister's Fellowship

MBA Minister's Fellowship

  • Mishkan HaShofar Messianic Jewish Congregation (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All staff and pastors in Montgomery Baptist Association are invited to our 11:30 AM Monthly Ministers Fellowship. Lunch is served by hosting church followed with great fellowship and sharing of upcoming ministry events. We have attendance of 25-35.

PLEASE RESPOND A.S.A.P. TO MELANIE BLANKENSHIP at ilovemba777@gmail.com to RSVP so we know how much food to prepare.

Time: Tuesday, November 7th at 11:30 AM

Host Pastor: Rabbi Robert Pristoop



Where: 14125 Punch Street (home and worship address) Silver Spring MD 20906-2071

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Body Building Conference

Body Building Conference

2023 Montgomery Baptist Association

Church Body Building Conference


6:00 - 6:45 PM Dinner/Registration

6:45 – 7:00 PM Opening Remarks

7:00 – 8:00 PM Session #1

8:00 – 9:00 PM Session #2

Presentation Summaries (please choose two)

Dr. Ron Blankenship—Director of Missions, Montgomery Baptist Association

Jesus' Servant Leader Principles for Kingdom Success

The secret of successful leadership and life is to follow the kingdom of God servant leadership principles of Jesus' in the Bible. What are the key traits of a servant leader?

Dr. Tim Bonner—Associate Pastor, First Baptist Church Rockville, MD

Special Purpose Small Groups & Ministries

Your church and community have needs your congregation can meet through caring ministries and short-term small groups. Learn how you can start Celebrate Recovery, DivorceCare, GriefShare, English as a Second Language (ESL), Financial Peace University, and Stephen Ministry, and link with established counseling ministries.

Mr. Richard Dillard—President, SpiffySites

Developing a Digital Ministry

God has blessed us with fantastic new tools for reaching the lost and serving the local church.  Learn the fundamentals of leveraging these digital tools to develop and implement a digital ministry at your church.

Practicing Digital Security

Are you maintaining best practices to ensure digital safety and security for your staff, members, and computer systems?

Rev. Mark Dooley—Associate Executive Director, Baptist Convention of MD/DEL

The Heart of Evangelism

Many Jesus-followers spend countless hours learning "how" to share their faith; yet they still don't share it.  That's because the issue is not a head-issue, but a heart-issue.  This conference seeks to address issues that will help us develop a heart for evangelism. 

Ms. Ann Holcomb—Immigration Attorney, Law Office of Ann Holcomb

The Church and Immigration Law

How can churches minister to the increasing immigrant population in our area. The is seminar will explore both the Biblical rationale for ministry to immigrants and the practical aspects of immigration law.

Dr. Phillip Hurst—Pastor, Trinity Baptist Church, West Hyattsville, MD

Steps to Church Revitalization

What does the Bible say about Church Revitalization? This seminar will utilize insights from the book of Nehemiah along with other contemporary sources to offer a roadmap for churches and church leaders to become healthy spiritually and better focused on ministering to its community.

Dr. Greg Kame—Director of Missions, Arundel Baptist Association

Cultivating a Healthy Discipleship Culture in Your Church

For a church to have a healthy disciple-making culture, pastors must lead in evangelizing unbelievers and nurturing believers to grow in faith. But what does this entail? How should pastors cultivate a healthy discipleship culture in their churches?

Please contact Dr. Tim Bonner if you have any questions: Tim@firstbaptistrockville.org 301.825.9231

Sponsored by Montgomery Baptist Association in partnership with the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware

Here’s a special offer: If at least ten people from your church pre-register and attend (including yourself), the MBA will send you a $200 check to use toward buying books for your ministerial library.

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MBA Annual Business Meeting

MBA Annual Business Meeting

MBA Annual meeting is Sunday, October 15, 2023. Registration 3:30 PM and meeting 4:00 to 6:00 PM with dinner following.

Meeting at Trinity Baptist Church (1900 Beechwood Road Hyattsville MD 20783-2814). Registration begins 3:30 PM with meeting of worship and business 4:00 to 6:00 PM with dinner following. Guest speaker will be Rev. Tom Stolle, Executive Director BCM/D. Music will be led by Carlos Camargo and FBC Rockville's worship team. Please bring a signed messenger card if you are a messenger and any church member is invited. Call Dr. Ron Blankenship at 301-529-0310 or e-mail ronmba1613@aol.com for questions. Copies of MBA 2024 budget and nominating committee reports will be available at meeting (if you do not attend meeting and want a copy of budget and/or nominating report please contact Melanie Blankenship at ilovemba777@gmail.com).

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MBA Minister's Fellowship

MBA Minister's Fellowship

All staff and pastors in Montgomery Baptist Association are invited to our 11:30 AM Monthly Ministers Fellowship. Lunch is served by hosting church followed with great fellowship and sharing of upcoming ministry events. We have attendance of 25-35.

PLEASE RESPOND A.S.A.P. TO MELANIE BLANKENSHIP at ilovemba777@gmail.com to RSVP so we know how much food to prepare.

Time: Tuesday, October 3rd at 11:30 AM

Rev. Danny Moore
Barnesville Baptist Church

301-407-0500 pastordanny@live.com

17917 Barnesville Road P.O. Box 69 Barnesville MD 20838-9722

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Montgomery Baptist Association and Beyond Revival
to Sep 20

Montgomery Baptist Association and Beyond Revival

Preachers scheduled are: Brian Tubbs, Danny Moore, Victor Kirk, and Dan Hyun. Also various worship teams leading music.

Hello Montgomery Baptist Association Churches,

My name is Brian Tubbs. I'm the pastor of Olney Baptist Church in Olney, Maryland. And we're delighted to be the host church for this year's Montgomery Baptist Association (MBA) Revival. 

Please mark your calendars for Sunday, September 17 through Wednesday, September 20, and plan to be a part of this special event. The times of the service each night will be 7:30 pm until 9:00 pm. And the location will be...

Olney Baptist Church
17525 Georgia Avenue
Olney, MD 20832

Weather permitting, we will be holding each night's service under our outdoor pavilion. 

We will send out more details as we get closer, but we hope you will make the MBA revival a part of your plans this fall. 

God bless you!

-Brian Tubbs, Pastor


Contact Ron Blankenship, Director of Missions, at 301-529-0310 or ronmba1613@aol.com for more information 

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MBA Minister's Fellowship

MBA Minister's Fellowship

All staff and pastors in Montgomery Baptist Association are invited to our 11:30 AM Monthly Ministers Fellowship. Lunch is served by hosting church followed with great fellowship and sharing of upcoming ministry events. We have attendance of 25-35. From 12:30 until 1:30 PM for ministers who can remain, there will be a time of teaching and discussion on Stress, Distress and Trauma in Ministry. There will be a 40 minute lesson taught by our Director of Missions Dr. Ron Blankenship with a 20 minute question and answer time.

PLEASE RESPOND A.S.A.P. TO MELANIE BLANKENSHIP at ilovemba777@gmail.com to RSVP so we know how much food to prepare.

Time: Tuesday, September 12th at 11:30 AM
Address: Trinity Baptist Church 1900 Beechwood Rd, Chillum, MD 20782
Host Pastor: Dr. Phil Hurst
Phone:  301-422-1286

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MBA Minister's Fellowship

MBA Minister's Fellowship

All pastors and staff of Montgomery Baptist Association churches are invited to lunch and fellowship.

PLEASE RESPOND A.S.A.P. TO MELANIE BLANKENSHIP at ilovemba777@gmail.com to RSVP so we know how much food to prepare.

Time: June 6, 2023 11:30 AM Eastern Time
Address:  First Baptist Church Of Rockville
                   55 Adclare Road
                   Rockville, Maryland 20850
Host Pastor: Lee Becknell
Phone: 301-279-2400
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MBA Minister's Fellowship

MBA Minister's Fellowship

All pastors and staff of Montgomery Baptist Association churches are invited to lunch and fellowship.

PLEASE RESPOND A.S.A.P. TO MELANIE BLANKENSHIP at ilovemba777@gmail.com to RSVP so we know how much food to prepare.

Time: May 2, 2023 11:30 AM Eastern Time

Address:  Olney Baptist Church

                   17525 Georgia Ave   

                   Olney, Maryland 20832

Host Pastor: Brian Tubbs

Phone: 301-774-5433

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MBA Minister's Fellowship

MBA Minister's Fellowship

All pastors and staff of Montgomery Baptist Association churches are invited to lunch and fellowship.

PLEASE RESPOND A.S.A.P. TO MELANIE BLANKENSHIP at ilovemba777@gmail.com to RSVP so we know how much food to prepare.

We are going to have the following people below attending our fellowship.

  • Ellen Udovich – Church and Community Partnerships Consultant  - she will be speaking about BCMD ready in partnership with MBA

  • Rev. Kevin Freeman - Associate Pastor for Discipleship, Youth, and Families, Redland Baptist Church to talk about upcoming men’s conference

Time: April 4, 2023 11:30 AM Eastern Time

Address:  Global Mission Church

                   13421 Georgia Ave

                   Silver Springs, Maryland 20906

Host Pastor : Hyunchang Kang

Phone: 301-460-1656 /317-437-3012

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MBA Minister's Fellowship

MBA Minister's Fellowship

PLEASE RESPOND A.S.A.P. TO MELANIE BLANKENSHIP at ilovemba777@gmail.com to RSVP so we know how much food to prepare.

Time: March 7, 2023 11:30 AM Eastern Time

Address:  Poolesville Baptist Church

                   17550 W. Willard Road   

                   Poolesville, Maryland 20837

Host Pastor: Joel Gilbert

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MBA Minister's Fellowship

MBA Minister's Fellowship

PLEASE RESPOND A.S.A.P. TO MELANIE BLANKENSHIP at ilovemba777@gmail.com to RSVP so we know how much food to prepare.

Time: February 7, 2023 11:30 AM Eastern Time

Address:  Crossroads Community Bible Church

                   6855 Olney - Laytonsville Road

                   Laytonsville, Maryland 20882

Host Interim Pastor: Jeff Lovin

Phone: 443-610-9026

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