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MBA Virtual Minister's Fellowship

Good Evening All, Please help us share this valuable FREE information to all of our churches - MBA upcoming April Evangelism Spring Teaching series.

TUESDAY, JUNE 1 at 11:30 AM - Guest Speakers

Reverend Brian Tubbs

Lead Pastor of Olney Baptist Church

“Encouraging Pastors - Devotion”

Brian Tubbs has served as the Senior Pastor of Olney Baptist Church since September 2009. He has been in full-time Christian ministry (as a pastor and also as a Christian school teacher and administrator) since 2002. Prior to the ministry, he worked for several non-profit organizations in the Washington, DC area, focusing on project management, membership development, public relations, and lobbying.

​Pastor Tubbs holds a B.A. in Government and Politics from George Mason University, a M.A. in Theological Studies from Liberty Theological Seminary (Liberty University), and a Certificate in Christian Apologetics from Biola University.

​He and his wife, Jane, have been married since 1992 and have a son and daughter. They enjoy watching the Washington Redskins (at least when they win), vacationing at the beach, and all-you-can-eat seafood buffets with Alaskan crab legs.

Gabe Albornoz
Council Vice President
Health & Human Services (HHS) Committee (Chair)
“ Current Montgomery County Policies on COVID-19 with Q& A”

Gabe is a lifelong resident of Montgomery County and is deeply committed to our County, its people, and, as the son of immigrant parents, its diversity. He grew up here, graduated from Montgomery County Public Schools and has dedicated his career to public service and advocating for just social policies.

Reverend Danny Moore
Lead Pastor Of Barnesville Baptist Church
Discipleship Through Podcasting – Q&A”

“And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding” (Jeremiah 3:15).

The Pastor is called to preach the Gospel and to lead, teach, pray for, and build up the congregation into mature Christians who are equipped for ministry and service in God’s Kingdom

Reverend Dr. Timothy G. (Tim) Bonner
“Bringing Seminary Extension to Montgomery Baptist Association (MBA)”

Reverend Dr. Timothy G. (Tim) Bonner began his ministry as Pastor of Georgia Avenue Baptist Church on March 15, 2015. A native of Columbia, South Carolina, he celebrated his 30th year in pastoral ministry in 2020. He has served as pastor of churches in South Carolina, Illinois, and Maryland. He has also been an Army National Guard and Army Reserve Chaplain since 1990. From 2003-2010 he was mobilized on Active Duty in various locations around the world. Pastor Tim graduated from the University of South Carolina (B.S. in Business Administration), Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Master of Divinity) and Erskine Theological Seminary (Doctor of Ministry). He has certifications in suicide prevention training, hospital ministry, and family ministry that he earned through the Army. Among his hobbies are travel, hiking, attending sporting events, and cheering for the University of South Carolina at their home games as often as possible. His ministry passions are home and foreign missions, working with internationals and helping Christians connect their faith during the week with what takes place at church on Sunday. Pastor Tim is married to Bonnie, the Administrator of the Leisure World Inter-Faith Chapel. She is originally from Roanoke, Virginia and graduated from Virginia Tech. Bonnie loves to work in the church nursery. Her hobbies also include travel, hiking, and attending sporting events. She is a better cook than her husband, so he gladly defers to her skills in the kitchen at home.

To MBA Ministers,
Topic: Montgomery Baptist Association Virtual Minister's Fellowship
Time: June 1, 2021 11:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every month on the First Tues., until Jun 1, 2021, 7/7 occurrence(s)
Jun 1, 2021 11:30 AM
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Ron and Michael

May 4

MBA Virtual Minister's Fellowship

October 5

MBA Minister's Fellowship Meeting (in-person)